Your quiz results are in! You got 65% Brand Awareness Content, 30% Nurturing Content, 5% Conversion Content!

You’re an influencer wanting to build your brand to attract more high-value partnerships. If this is the case, your biggest goals should be to grow your following and make more people brand aware, and then nurturing that audience so that they keep coming back to your page again and again, and suggest you to an even wider audience. This creates a warm audience so that when you actually do ask something of your audience (like click an affiliate link), they are already trusting of you and ready to take action. Take a look at our breakdown below to see how much of your content should be targeted at each part of the customer journey to achieve your goal of attracting high-value brand collaborations.

Brand awareness — This is where you will spend most of your time posting content that is aimed at intriguing new followers and telling the world what you’re all about.

  • Relatable videos based on trends that hone in on a common experience within your niche.

  • Videos and carousels that showcase your expertise and unique opinions - polarizing content that sets you apart from others in the industry

  • CTAs asking people to follow for more or share the post.

  • Educational videos, carousels, and infographics

  • Stories that show the BTS of your business or daily life. Get personal and vulnerable when you can.

  • CTAs asking people to comment or save the post for later work well in this part of the funnel.

Nurture — Now they’ve followed you, give them a reason to stick around by posting content that nurtures the relationship between your brand and your customers.

Convert — Though selling is not your top priority, here’s how to convert your audience effectively when you do need to call them to action.

  • Stories are a great place to put links. Not only is your most-engaged, warm audience on stories, the link sticker also makes it easy to directly purchase.

  • CTAs that ask people to DM you or submit questions they have about your offering exist in this part of the funnel. This way, you can continue the conversation in the DMs, and guide them to buy with a link.