I hope this week is treating you well. That time is upon us - contract end date! Your current contract is up on 12/14/23. Hopefully, you know how much we love and value our working relationship and would love nothing more than to continue. I'm providing options on how we can move forward below:

  • Re-up for 6 months

  • Re-up for 1 year

  • Terminate contract

I've prepared your sub-agreement here. You'll notice a 10% increase adjusting your previous $3,500 to $3,850. I know you've touched on financials in the past, and I'd like to communicate that this increase is simply a reflection of our 2023 pricing and price adjustments we're experiencing with the systems and tools we use to run the business.

The reason we have offered a 6-month and 1-year extension is because we want you to have the ability to lock in this $3,850 rate. We're certainly not in the business of gauging anyone, and we hope this price adjustment falls within CLIENT’s financial capabilities because, as I mentioned, we would love to continue our working relationship and simply need to adjust pricing to ensure the relationship remains financially viable.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. We're here to help!