The Mini Courses are here.

A collection of smaller courses, all self-paced and jam packed with topic specific learnings to help you elevate a certain skillset.

The Mini Courses

Fun sized education that is topic specific and designed to help you grow a unique skillset. We’re pretty picky when it comes to releasing education, if it won’t save you time/money/years of learning, then we don’t really care to make it. These topics have been handpicked based on what we’ve heard from you.

The Lineup

The Design Course for Social Media - $499

Learn how to elevate your design skills and implement your branding properly on social media. Developed by COCO X White + Salt

Understanding + Optimizing Analytics - $499

Learn how to get business changing results on social media for your brand or your clients. Developed by COCO Lead Strategist Shea Renusch.

They’re cute, but they pack a punch.

Why mini? The length - smaller. The investment - smaller. The material - Amazing. We know how to do education, and we know what we teach works because we use these skills & systems every single day in our agency.